BUHAY Kindergarten Integrated Core Curriculum (ICC) Week 17-24


Avelina S. Espelita, Dr. Felicidad N. Remo, Dr. Luzviminda L. Ona


Integrated Core Curriculum


Universal Kinder


The workbook is based on the National Kindergarten Curriculum Guide and Standards and Competencies for Five-Year-Old Filipino Children (July 2015) prescribed by the Department of Education. It is anchored on the principles of child development and on the different learning theories: cognitive, social learning, and socio-cultural and ecological system. Learning experiences are in the form of stories, songs, poems and games. Short stories that involve fantasy and current issues that are within the child’s world are provided with comprehension questions that truly develop the child’s critical thinking and analytical skills. Play is an integral part of the children’s learning experiences in this Worktext cum Lesson Plan.