BUHAY Kindergarten Most Essential Learning Competencies (Third and Fourth Quarter)


Dr. Felicidad N. Remo, Dr. Luzviminda L. Ona


Universal Kinder


Integrated Core Curriculum


To give impact to the indomitable commitment of the Department of Education to overcome the learning crises we are now facing due
to Covid-19 pandemic, St. Matthew’s Publishing Corporation, quick to its action, developed a quality learning material that is responsive to
the needs of the time.

The worktext, “BUHAY Kindergarten Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs),” which is based on the K-to-12 Most Essential
Learning Competencies (MELCs), released by the said department for school year 2020-2021, provides creative learning activities that
truly develop the learner’s skills, knowledge and attitude in a way that is enjoyable via songs, poems, dialogs, stories and current
issues that are within the child’s experiences.

These learning activities give the learners the opportunity to grow and expand their love for learning. Likewise, the group learning
activity, as one of the children’s learning experiences, develops their ability to get along with others, an ability that they need as they grow
older to face the world. Furthermore, the authors believe that happy children learn better, hence, play is an integral part of their learning

It is hoped that this tangible response of St. Matthew’s Publishing Corporation to quality learning in this critical period addresses
the needs and wants of the learners we serve, specifically the kindergarten children.